Royal Rangers
Boys Mentorship Program
Evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.
Our goal is to come alongside parents to help them raise godly sons. The Royal Rangers ministry is designed to help boys develop godly friendships, learn valuable skills, do fun things together, serve others, and grow in Christ. We pursue these objectives by following a structured, age-specific advancement system for each age group.
Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.

Ranger Kids (K - 2nd Grade)
Ranger Kids uses an Advancement Trail that helps boys learn and grow through participation in fun activities. It is designed to provide every boy with opportunities for adventure and fun. Lessons and crafts being taught (or have been taught) include being part of the church, having friends, choosing forgiveness, staying close to Jesus, making a puppet, and making a collage. Click Here for the Ranger Kids Advancement Trail.

Discovery Rangers (3rd - 5th Grade)
Discovery Rangers enjoy many great adventures as they make new friends, learn new skills, develop leadership, and grow into the young man God created them to be. Skills being taught (or have been taught) include coin collecting, knot tying, darts, and models and design. Click Here for the Discovery Rangers Advancement Trail.

Adventure Rangers (6th - 8th Grade)
Adventure Rangers participate in weekly small group meetings under the leadership of capable men who will help young men shape their character. Skills being taught (or have been taught) include camping and auto mechanics. Click Here for Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail.

Expedition Rangers (High School)
Expedition Rangers enjoy time with great friends and adult leaders who will guide and support them on their journey to becoming a Christlike leader. Young men will learn skills from how to use an axe to how to be a junior leader in your church and community. As young men advance, they will be given more responsibility that will boost their confidence and leadership abilities. Skills being taught (or have been taught) include camping and auto mechanics. Click Here for Expedition Rangers Advancement Trail.
Bee Figueroa | Royal Rangers Administrator
Phone: 773-407-2509
Jose Almonte | Royal Rangers Coordinator / Senior Commander