2025 Next Level Pledge
In 1 Chronicles 29:3 we learn that King David gives “over and above” what he had given to the building of the Lord’s temple. When we commit to the Next Level pledge, we are reflecting a similar attitude. One that agrees to support the vision of New Life Covenant Church.
Your commitment makes it possible for our ministries to continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Going over and above your tithes and offering will help in our efforts as we introduce new opportunities of supporting our vision. The Next Level is about investing in our church's future by supporting the Dream Center's impactful work and other missional initiatives, creating more space for meaningful discipleship, and upgrading our facilities to better serve our community and grow in faith together.
Note: We encourage all to pledge their next level offering and also use the drop down below for giving. How frequently you pay into your pledge is left up to you. However, our goal is to collect all pledge commitments by December 14, 2025.